Dec 21, 2009

Sit-up Challenge Rules

Beginning January 1, 2010, we are going to do one sit-up and add a sit-up for each day until we have 365 sit-ups on December 31st. Another option for those wanting to start a little slower, do one sit-up every day for the first week, two each day of the second week, and finally 52 each day the last week of the year. Please sign up and follow this blog or post a comment on how you plan on approaching this challenge so I know how many people are joining the "fun".

The Rules:
  1. You have all day to finish; meaning, you can break up the exercise and do it in a few rounds during the day. Don’t forget to keep count.
  2. You can NOT do tomorrow's exercise today; meaning, that if today is day 50, you can't do 100 and take 50 off tomorrow's number
  3. You can do it the other way around. If for some reason you miss a day, you have to make up all the missed sit-ups the following day  
  4. If you don't start the challenge with us on Day 1, you can "buy-in" at any time by doing ALL the missed day's sit-ups on your first day
  5. Any sit-ups you complete during your regular workout can count towards that day’s Challenge, if you want them to

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